Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Sex obsessed Vishwananda - Warning

Taken from this blog, this is the latest on the false guru, Vishwananda. Enclosed in this link as well is that Vishwananda's organisation had begun to collapse in some of the main regions notably US and UK.

"This is a note for spiritual seekers to exercise caution regarding the false guru originally from Mauritius going by the name of Swami Vishwananda.

Vishwananda is sex obsessed and spiritual seekers are warned not to see him to ensure that they do not get caught in his lifestyle. His sex obsessed lifestyle will catch up with him but please do not go and see him as people who have gone to see him are getting caught in his sexual obsession.

Ten years ago in 2008 as noted in a previous post Vishwananda’s organisation had begun to collapse in some of the main regions, notably US and UK. Sources from UK had confirmed allegations of homosexuality between Vishwananda and some of his younger followers (UK), many of whom have since left him. Other allegations that many of the comments have highlighted have also been confirmed such as stealing from Catholic churches where a court case had arisen in Switzerland. Owing to the collapse of Vishwananda's organisation in US and Britain it is bizarre that his organisation has been continuing suggesting that people are afraid of speaking out against him and have been following him out of fear."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stay out of his ashram or events anywhere. vishwananda is a very powerful psychic and tantric guru, who can manipulate your thoughts and emotions at will. he can have sex with you in your mind and even give you an erection. he is a black magician who managed to manipulate rich people to start a place in germany. he sleeps not only with one guy, but with most of his monks in the ashram. how would they stay with him as followers? he controls thoughts and emotions of these boys. if you leave he will unload black magic on you and drag you down at will. you may have bad health after leaving since he would be sucking out energy which you need for daily duties.

be cautious people, this is no joke. read other blog posts on the internet, he is known for his sex stories with young men and black magic. peace to all